
Growing Away is a casual, artistic game created for the Great Spring Game Jam: 2021 featuring the theme of “Spring” and the mechanics of “Constant Growth”. 

“Look, the winter is past; the rains are over and gone.”

Born of Spring, Moly the roly poly finds herself immersed in a sea of sprouts and blossoms.

Join her on a journey of growth together with mother nature.


While unable to directly control the little roly poly character, the player instead can grow the terrain by holding the mouse above the ground level.

The higher you hold above the ground, the higher the strength the growth will be!


Programming: Henry Turbedsky, Xiaocong Yan

Design: Henry Turbedsky, Xiaocong Yan, Lex Kim, Andrew Shiroma, Natalia Smyth, Josiah McCracken, Kevin Li

Art: Emily Chen

Poster/Thumbnail:  Emily Chen, Xiaocong Yan


Growing Away 27 MB

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